Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

But TIS, the GOP will rebound eventually, both parties in slumps always do. Trust me, if the GOP could survive 1936, they can survive now. But do enjoy those fring right lunatics being loud, but ultimately irrelevant, in the policy proccess.

A lot of people who were upset about Bush's decisions and the party's craven religious pandering and blatant hypocrisy distanced themselves from the party, but I expect many will come back now that Obama is the one who will get the blame for anything that goes wrong. And if the GOP stops offering apologies to Mr Oxicotin Rush then I will think the Republicans will have a chance to come out of the wilderness.

If you look at voting trends and what legislation has actually passed in the last 15 years or so, I'd say that Americans are becoming more socially tolerant, which probably translates into a liberal shift. But regardless of what's going on today the Pubs have too many institutional advantages locked in place -- and too many wealthy backers. And countries often go through phases of liberalism, followed by phases of conservatism. [ swarzenegger ] They'll be back [ / swarzenegger ], but I HOPE the old Republican party that was an alliance of the religious right, hawks, and corporate types is finished.

(EDIT: Nevermind about some other stuff)

Last edited by Saladbar; 04/13/09 01:42 PM.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"