A way of measuring the width of one's head is by way of measuring the speed it takes to hit one's nerve. grin

I'm being silly, of course (though no more silly than your last two questions).

I'd call a serious theist one who, because of the inherent requisites of their beliefs, cannot allow for an evolutionist view of life. If they're serious about their beliefs, they cannot entertain the notion of evolution; that is a very narrow-minded outlook. (If they do entertain evolution, they're merely confused. They're eating cake and having it too.)

I'm not sure how many "non-serious" theists there are. I'd call children born into religious families non-serious (I would not call them theists; nor would Dawkins).

It's not necessarily narrow-minded, but equally confused is the reduction of nature to a design theory; applying the notion of a Designer to every little thing, just because on the surface there appears to be no apparent reason for such complexity.

(To the latter tribe, I'd recommend some Darwin.)

...dot com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?