De Niro, with all due respect, this is Chicago...not New York. NOBODY would even think about whacking the boss out here. Things are done VERY different in The Chicago Outfit than in NY's Cosa Nostra. Please note that I said "different" not "better". In Chicago, if John Gotti would have did what he did to Castellano, they would still be looking for Gotti's remains. No matter how popular or unpopular a boss is in the Outfit, he is still the boss. If he does something out of line, he is asked to retire and pretty much left alone. If he continues to step out of line then all bets are off, remember Sam Giancana? There is a ruling body of The Outfit comprised of "old school" goodfellas that make, govern and enforce "the rules'. NOBODY would whack the boss in Chicago, Nobody sane that is. Thoughts?