Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Originally Posted By: Brwne Byte
And like I said, it's not that serious. rolleyes

Films are serious if you're passionate about them. You took the time to draw Elvira and Tony Montana... why? You were obviously serious enough about Scarface to take the time to turn them into a drawing (art). How is that different than taking the time to discuss movies (art)?

Well, for me it's different because I am drawing these characters, but I am not getting into heated arguments to the point where I'm telling people to "shut the fuck up". I mean, all that isn't necessary. I do agree that if I love something enough to devote time to watching it constantly and writing stories about it(which I do) then yes, I do find it serious to a degree. But not to the point of cussing at someone or verbally insulting them because they don't agree with what I think about it, you know? It just comes to the point when you say to yourself, is it really worth getting that riled up over a movie, and when you look at the big scheme of things, no it isn't. I can enjoy it and devote my time to it, discuss it, but I don't need to get into fights about it.