Well hello guys. I was just browsing aimlessly today and I remembered this site. I used to be a relatively heavy hitter on these boards back in the day. Still glad to see the same old names posting faithfully on here, and a couple I noticed are gone now (Don Noledge, Francis the Kid Forducci). Anyways I'm glad I was able to come on here before Christmas, just wanted to wish happy holidays to everyone on here and I'll be checking back in periodically.

PS: thanks Geoff, my old login still works on here. I couldn't believe that!

PPS: I remember my first post on this site in which i'm pretty sure i asked what the song was that was playing on the stuck record in the hospital scene in GF1 (tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight....) lol

"Mio padre se chiamo Antonio Andolini, e questo รจ per te." - Robert De Niro to Giuseppe Sillato in The Godfather Part II.