SB, you're totally avoiding the overall issue here. You're not looking at what I am saying with an open mind.

Generally speaking, Senator Obama talked about CHANGE.

"We need change from tired Washington insiders and Clinton-era retreads"

-Barack Obama during Democratic debates.

He made the statement that I quoted above in a debate with Senator Clinton, in a context which obviously not only meant that this country was tired of the Bush administration, it's people, and it's policies, but that this country was also in need of a change from the Clinton administration, it's people, and it's policies. No matter how you may try to spin it, it's exactly what he said and there's no way around it.

As far as Hillary Clinton goes, well as you indicated to me a few months back how you despise everything that Sarah Palin stands for, well that's exactly how I feel about Hillary Clinton. I totally despise everything that she claims to stand for, and despise her even more for the hypocritical way that she snaked her way into Washington.

But getting back to Presidnet Elect Obama, I said earlier, and as I sincerely mean, I really want him to be a successful President and sincerely hope that his policies and ideas do make things better for all of us.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.