Haha, the picture is what's on the cover of the book, and since I thought he looked like an Italian, I kept expecting someone to tease me about being related to him. lol

Ignatius is in his thirties, but he still lives at home with his mom, doing writings about why the society he lives in is so horrible. He feels he should've been born in the medieval times, and he has this ongoing war with this girl he met in college, who is just as extreme as him, but has completely opposite views. Anyway, it's just about his adventures in trying to get (and hold) a job, living in New Orleans - and it's so funny because everything he complains about and insults other people on, is often what he himself is guilty of.

It's very odd, but I really liked it. I think it was more of a personal favorite for my professor, because it didn't really connect with anything else we've studied in the course. haha