Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
We are being F'd by those scum-slime-shit-eatin'-Wall Street-c'skrs who just mess around with the economy for the sake of their f'n money-grubbin' egos, or whatever else motivates their slime-suckin' egos.
I hope they contract a case of bleedin' hemi-roids after a night of eating spicy wings and Budweiser.

Why type it that way? If you can say "shit-eatin'" why not just type out "fucked" and "cocksuckers"? It's so confusing trying to figure out what the hell a "c'skers" is. Or, when you said "c'skers" did you actually mean "Climate Skiers"? Then I apologize.

I thought I would allow the reader to insert their own adjective or expletive. For me, F'd is Flubbed, F'n is Fondlin', c'skers is cornhuskers. You might say I'm not being totally truthful here, but then the topic has been generated by deceit and lies, so I thought I would keep it in that vein....or is that vain?

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12