Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Originally Posted By: SC
Fill up your tanks tonight. I heard a report on tv that gas prices MAY rise 50-75¢ a gallon by Monday (due to Hurricane Ike).

I heard an eskimo farted in Canada and it affected the natural gas reserves.

That was me.

Thanks PB, you owe me. Seriously folks, gas here went up $.12 overnight. Ridiculous. Why didn't it go up when Gustav hit? Is our gas pricing so critical that it's a day to day adjustment? How F'n stupid is that? What if the chickens don't feel like laying eggs today, does the price of eggs go up? We are being F'd by those scum-slime-shit-eatin'-Wall Street-c'skrs who just mess around with the economy for the sake of their f'n money-grubbin' egos, or whatever else motivates their slime-suckin' egos.
I hope they contract a case of bleedin' hemi-roids after a night of eating spicy wings and Budweiser.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12