OMG...Don Cardi you are making me drool...right down to the corn & Rice-a-Roni which happen to be two of my LIFETIME favorites. Next time you're planning to cook that way, please call me and I'll be right over.

I had two VERY delicious crabcakes that I bought today at a Farmer's Market near my job. I share this only because it is VERY DIFFICULT to find a really good crabcake for under $3.00 each these days, they're either too salty, too much breading or just so loaded with fillers you don't even taste any crab!!

But these were homemade, frozen and 4 for $11.00. At $2.75 each they were worth a try.

Side dish...rice mixture that I made with corn, black beans, tomato & seasoning.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.