Originally Posted By: chopper
Thanks for this BDUFF but im sure Little Nick" Corozzo is the current boss of the Gambino family and jackie nose is the street boss,also i thought Arnold "Zekey" Squitieri was the underboss.

As for the Genovese i had queit dom down as consiglierie

And as for the Luchesse regime ive got Joseph "Joe C." Caridi as consiglierie

Although many have speculated on internet message boards, Nick Corozzo has never been the boss of the Gambino family. He was briefly set to become acting boss in the 1990's but was indicted before that could happen. He was recently indicted again as a captain.

Dominick Cirillo was acting boss for the Genovese family in the late 1990's and again in the early 2000's before he was indicted again. Technically speaking, he is a captain. James Ida remains consigliere.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.