Originally Posted By: Saladbar
Originally Posted By: olivant
None of you who criticize high gasoline prices ever state just what the price of gasoline should be. Some of you state that you are paying well over $4 per gallon. I just paid $3.67 per gallon. So, what should the price be. Would you be satisfied with $3.67 per gallon? If so, since I'm already paying that much, how much shold I be paying? $3.47? $3.25? How about last year's lowest price? What is the formula?

To whom does Exxon have a fiduciary responsibility? Why does Exxon or anyone who has something to sell owe you anything?

I'm not an economist so I can't figure out the perfect number/price, but stable and predictable energy prices are in the national interest and it's a valid place for government intervention to remove the speculators from the equation.

HOWEVER, I'm not completely for the intervention. The speculators are FORCING people to start thinking about these issues before they actually hit. It is accepted that India and China along with South East Asia will start increasing their demand for oil. Thus we need alternatives NOW before this happens.

I concur...completely. In the world market, the USA driver has paid little for gasoline in the past. Low gas prices has allowed the car manufacturers to seduce the public into buying FAV (Fat Ass Vehicles) and we became a country of long distance commuters. Our "modern" society and culture was built around cheap gas. Now, through a combination of economic factors that I don't quite understand or comprehend, gas has double in price in a year or two and the gas culture is now a bit confused, angry and frustrated. Throw the mortgage debacle on top of that and the question;"what price should gas be?" is impertinent.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12