Originally Posted By: svsg
A lot of electricity is produced from burning coal. Electric cars are also an indirect dependence on fossil fuels, though not oil. It is not green, unless the electricity is hydro-electric (a big contributor depending on the country of production) or probably wind, geothermal, solar etc (which are far too small contributors). Both nuclear and coal-based electricity are not environment friendly by any chance. Green cities maybe, but not green in general.

Agreed svsg, battery power is not perfect, but it's a big step. The increase in batteries also creates an environmental problem - disposal. Wind and water are the purest and solar is next. ATlantic City has a small windmill farm (6 I think). The state of NJ is trying to get windmill farms out in the ocean, but you can imagine the environmental challenge that will present.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12