Just heard on the radio that Al Gore is going to make a speech somewhere and he is proposing that the US become a totally green energy country in 10 years - solar, wind, water. Goodbye to fossil fuels. There will be some CEOs and stockholders who will be a bit miffed by that proposal.

On a similar note: some of the shore towns here in NJ are encouraging the use of LSVs (Low Speed Vehicles). They are all-electric and look like big golf carts. Their top speed is 25 mph and they have all the basic safety equipment. They are also registered with the NJ DMV. People are using them in the shore towns to get around for shopping, going to the beach, etc. One of the municipalities is using them for the town government vehicles. cool

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12