Originally Posted By: Saladbar
Blame the wildly unregulated speculation market that drives up the prices for oil futures based on the continuation of a falling dollar, the Iraq War (its impact on oil prices, and its relationship to the declining dollar) and the looming threat of a war with Iran which would further impact oil prices!

It isn't so much a gasoline is going up but the dollar we buy it with that is going down; and the fear of an Israeli-U.S. attack on Iran increasing current demand in order to build stocks against disruption more than any oil company greed or OPEC greed (not that they aren't that greedy, mind you, hence the war). Our demand hasn't changed that much, so market forces DO NOT APPLY.

SB, an intellectual response and probably, to this feeble economic mind, right on the MONEY. Those damn Iranians are making it harder to figger this whole thing out. Who? What so many "average" Americans dismiss is the world economy and where America fits in the whole scheme. It's a complicated house of cards. One that I walk gingerly around. Some BB members proclaim to have it all figured out. What big brains they have! eek

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12