Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
What do you all make of A-Rod not participating in the homerun derby?

I'm not a huge fan of the homerun derby. It's like the slam dunk contest. I guess it would be nice for him to participate though since it's in his home ballpark though, but I wouldn't come too hard down on him.

I didn't buy his excuse that it messes up his swing. He's played at a high level for more than ten years. This exhibition isn't going to ruin him. Actually, when Bonds opted out of the contest (I think it was 2001) I admired his honesty for turning it down. When asked why he isn't doing it, he replied, "Because I'm an adult and I don't have to do it if I don't want to." I didn't admire the attitude though.

Ken Griffey was the big name in the game about 11 or 12 years ago when he stated he didn't want to do it, but reluctantly agreed to. He had to play a Sunday night game in Seattle, and then fly to Atlanta (I think), and I couldn't blame him for not wanting to participate.

While I probably won't be watching the whole thing (It's too long), I'll pick Lance Berman to win.