I've read three of Puzo's books. I first read the Godfather. I found it incredible. It over threw all the other books I read, as a tyrant siezes the throne of the previous king. It immediately became my favorite book. I next read the Last Don. Not too shabby. But then I looked at the Godfather Papers. It began with Puzo stating that the Godfather is his least favorite book. I was shocked. He also said that the Fortunate Pilgrim was his favorite, and it was a novelization of his life. So I read it. It was great. But what was wrong with the Godfather. Was it because it protrayed Southern Italians in a bad way. Is it that us, Sicilians, are now all Gansters because of it. Or is it that he made more bread from that book, than any other. Dimmi qualcosa, I really felt like I connected with Puzo himself in all his books. So sad that my favorite book from an author is his least favorite. confused

"Only the dead have seen the end of war" -Plato

"There is no bread sweeter than the bread that you earn with your sweat" Nino Episcopo