A few random thoughts on stories making local news here:

Re: Christie Brinkley's divorce - The ex-model (and former wife of Billy Joel) is suing for divorce again (her fourth). It was brought out in court that her husband was spending $3,000 a month on internet porn. How that the hell is that possible?? You can get all the porn you want for FREE!!!!

Re: ARod's upcoming divorce - CRod (his wife) went on a $100,000 spending spree using his credit card. WHO GIVES A FUCK?? Why is this making the news?? Unless the divorce news is about someone I know and I'll have a chance at boffing a newly divorced gal, I don't wanna hear about any more divorces.

Re: New Jersey proposal to charge extra for driving in express lanes on the highway - New Jersey is studying the possibility of charging drivers extra (apparently using E-Z pass) if they want to drive in less trafficked lanes on it's state's toll roads. They've gotta be kidding!!! What brainless dimwit came up with that idea?? What's just as bad is that they're also studying the feasibility of "selling" sections of the roads to corporations who will then have the right to charge trucks and buses for using those roads.

Re: An elderly man dies after being locked in a car in the daytime heat - From Peekskill, NY, a 48 year old man left his parents locked in his car while he went off for three hours to drive a bus (his job). When he returned, his father was apparently unconscious and died from heat-related issues. The son had reportedly left his parents in various locations in the past (while he went to work), and this act wasn't intended to cause harm to his parents (but he has to suffer from terminal stupidity to do something like this).
