Sweet! I had planned (and may still go) to Wegmans tomorrow (half hour away) to see if they had Fox's U-bet and black-and-whites. I decided to try the local Shop-Rite and they had both!! The syrup was $2/bottle ($3 online) and the B&W's were 2 for $2 ($40/dozen online eek ). They may not be authentic "Brooklyn" B&W's but Shop-Rite has a terrific bakery, and these look great (bigger than I thought!), so I'm not too worried. Got the selzer and milk, too. cool

I wanted to mostly go to Wegmans because I wanted to make a homemade pea soup and figured they'd have the best ingredients. I'll see if I'm to it tomorrow. She likes pea soup, too. wink

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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