Originally Posted By: Beth E
The Pittsburgh Pirates came into Baltimore for the first time since the 1979 World Series. I actually went to one of those games. I don't remember which one, but I know it wasn't the last game.

I was a young kid at the time, but I remember that series well. I was rooting for the Orioles and was surprised that they blew the 3-1 series lead. I remember my cousin, who was rooting for the Pirates, sitting on the steps watching with me, his dad, and my dad. He was too afraid to root for the Pirates in front of us, who were all pulling for the O's.

At least, Beth E., your team avenged that loss in 1983 with a WS championship. I have waiting for an Indians title beyond my lifetime, as they have been 60 years between titles now and seem hell-bent on making it 61 this year...