Okay, so my mom (who's from Brooklyn) has her 79th birthday coming up, and for the longest time I wanted to give her a gift basket of old/classic Brooklyn flavors...

I want to start off with egg cream ingredients (Fox's U-Bet, of course) and some black-and-whites, some REAL Bialys, etc... but WTF is up with online prices these days?? $40-$60 for 12 cookies? eek eek $3/bottle for U-Bet -- fine! But I added 4 different bottles to my cart for $12, but then $11 to ship them?? WTF is that about? ohwell

I'm not a cheapskate, but I don't like getting ripped off, either. I think it'd be cheaper to drive to Brooklyn myself.

Anyway, any suggestions?

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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