If you they wanted to tell the truth about Mr. Artuso they would print the facts and rename the article “The FBI Grudge” that is what this case is really about. I have read over all of the court documents in the case against Mr. Artuso, I found absolutely no proof of the alleged crimes. I found the facts to be very one sided in this article, Mr. Artuso was previously involved in organized crime, he was one of the labeled 'backup' shooters on the Castellano-Billotti double murder on December 16, 1985, in which his gun jammed and not a single shot was ever fired, not to mention later findings show that Mr. Artuso was never even close enough to the victims to fire a shot. Mr. Artuso did moved to Florida, and tried to make a living, but not by running a so called “South Florida crime ring “since 1985 Mr. Artuso has served his time and paid his debt to society in the Federal Penitentiary for alleged previous crimes, but the truth is that Mr. Artuso has not been involved in any crime much less organized, in over 20 years. In fact, the reason he moved his family to Florida was to get away from that kind of atmosphere, he has lived his life on the up and up ever since. The FBI is angry that Mr. Artuso is the only one involved in the Castellano-Billotti double murder that is not dead or incarcerated. Artuso was never charged in the case. The FBI has been harassing and threatening Mr. Artuso for many years. Why would he blatantly break any laws (like running a crime ring) if he knew he had the FBI breathing down his neck, that would be stupid. Mr. Artuso is a very intelligent man and has no intention of breaking any laws or ever going back to prison, much less run a crime ring? Come on. The FBI can’t stand the fact that Mr. Artuso was rehabilitated and reformed while in prison and is now an upstanding member of the community. I thought that was what the Federal Prison System was for? I thought that is why Mr. Artuso and the rest of America, myself included, pay such high taxes? Looks like the truth here is that the FBI wants Mr. Artuso in prison for the rest of his life, over a 20 year grudge, just look at his bail amount $225,000. Give me a break! There are people accused of murder and much worse, that don’t have bails set that high, if he was planning on leaving town, I think he would have done so long ago. Mr. Artuso has cooperated fully with the FBI for several years now. I respect for the FBI and its officials, I think they do an excellent job protecting our citizens and our country, but in this case I find the FBI is acting completely unjust and is wasting thousands of tax payer money trying to frame Mr. Artuso. I found no actual proof that Mr. Artuso was engaged in anything that wasn’t considered to be normal business practices done every day by millions of Americans. I think you owe it to Mr. Artuso to do the research and report all of the facts, you are serving Mr. Artuso a major injustice. Mr. Artuso is reformed, and is a taxpaying, law abiding, citizen of this country, and he has the right to earn a living and the right to be left alone. This case violates his right for liberty and justice for all.