Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: SC

If you ever want to see a real (little-known) gem of his, check out "The Rose Tattoo". Its from the same period as "Trapeze" and its absolutely hilarious. I first saw it in a college class and fell in love with the movie.

Several other overlooked but excellent Lancaster roles / movies :

Come Back Little Sheba
Elmer Gantry (A star studded filled supporting cast)
The Swimmer
The Rainmaker (original)

'The Rose Tatoo' is a terrific movie, most known for it's other star, Anna Magnani earning the Best Actress Oscar for her role. However Lancaster was also a absolute BLAST and the two complimented each other beautifully. I haven't seen the film in a very long time but would love to if it every comes around again.

Same thing for 'Come Back Little Sheba', in which again Lancaster's leading lady (Shirley Booth) won the Oscar.

I saw 'The Swimmer' quite by accident one night on the 'Late Late Show' they used to have some 30 years ago. Really obscure movie but pretty interesting thanks to Lancaster and it really made an impression.

I really appreciate Burt Lancaster more & more with each film of his I see. I think one of his other best roles is as one of the judges on trial in 'Judgement At Nuremberg' (one of my favorite movies). Especially his long statement near end of the film and that final scene w/ Spencer Tracy.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.