Originally Posted By: Danito
 Originally Posted By: dontomasso

It is Vincent after all, not Michael, who plans and directs the murders of the Archbishop, Luchese and that Swiss Banker Fuck.

Perhaps this is not the right thread for another "GF III is bad"-comment. But DT's remark about Vincent shows me that also from a mere storytelling perspective, GF I is much better. Vincent never had a doubt, he never refused the criminal life. So Vincent just doesn't have the weight for a tragic hero. (The story of Michael had been told already in GF I and II.)

Right. There is no depth to Vincent's character. What you see is what you get. His interlude with Mary might have been an attempt by FFC to provide some depth or complexity to the character. But the vehicle of incest is hardly the appropriate medium through which to try and do so.

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