Originally posted by Snake:
[QUOTE]...I always thought Roth said that for appearance's sake. I think on the surface he wanted to look like 'the noble gangster,' who "didn't ask who gave the order." But you just know that he knows Michael snuffed Moe, and perhaps the whole Moe Green speech was a subtle hint to Michael...
Yes, I too feel that Roth knew it was Michael who ordered the hit on Moe Green. But I never thought the 'nothing to do with business' speech was simply for appearances. He never would've admitted it was he who ordered Pentangelli's hit anyway, but Roth was right. Upsetting as Green's murder was to him, it was business, the business they had chosen. The Pentangelli 'hit' was business too, and it got Michael nowhere fast in asking Roth who ordered it. In fact, it is very unlike Michael to do something this immature, this unprofessional. Did he perhaps know what Roth's reaction would be? Was this his way of telling Roth "I know what you're up to, and you're not going to get my $2 million..." ??? Aren't we watching two brilliant men at work here, each scheming, distrusting, playing the other until the victor finally emerges? Oooohh....I LOVE watching the deadly chess game that Michael and Roth are engaged in throughout the film!!!

And to think....my brother tells me to 'get a life' every time I try to talk about the GF films!!!


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.