THE HOLIDAY (2006) **1/2

Two women with guy problems swap homes and countries for two weeks and each falls in love with a local guy.

Jude Law was cool, Cameron Diaz annoyingly cocky (as usual) and Kate Winslet was adorable. Eli Wallach, in a role much more suited to him than Don Altobello, stole the movie as an ancient screenwriter, living out his days and feeling all but forgotten in Hollywood.

I kind of like romantic comedies and would have given this one a third star, if not for Jack Black, who was TOTALLY miscast and almost ruined the film altogether. He should stick to making retard movies aimed at adolescents.

Still, some nice shots of the English countryside and a pretty good story.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.