SB: Have a good start on that book. So far it's a good read, and the author has a way of keeping the pages turning. I love the way he writes, and his sense of humor. Plus, he's a fellow Iowan, so his point of view and references give me something to relate to. Thanks for the recommendation!

Whisper: I really hope my girlfriend has her finals not long after I get there, because after she does, and has no reason to be in Newcastle, I could see us moving to Sydney for the rest of our stay, not only because of the size and what not, but also because of the supply of places to live. And although we may stay in one city doesn't mean we wouldn't travel to see more. I appreciate your insight, and the best of regards to you on the inside.

"Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so"-Gore Vidal
"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth"-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness"-George Carlin