If you read the book closely, you see throughout the book that Michael was the son who was most like his father. Smooth, cunning, devious, and reasonable. All the same qualities like his father. Michael was also the only son who had a mind of his own, just like his father. Michael defied the family and enlisted in the armed forces. This showed guts and a person that refused to be influenced by anyone. This is exactly the way Vito was growing up. He had a mind of his own, did things as HE saw fit. Michael was defiantely the Don's favorite, as the Don saw many traits of himself in Michael. True the Don didn't ever want Michael involved in the family business. But this was because he saw the similarities between him and his son, and knew that he himself never had the opportunities to be part of the legitimate business world, but that Michael, having the same qualities as Vito, could use them in a legitamite world. With Fredo, eh, no choices there, and Sonny, well, he saw his father kill Fannucci at a young age, and therefore the Don had no choice but to let him in. Micahel, the one who the Don felt should go legit, was actually the best one to take over for the Don! Puzo did a really fine job relaying this to the reader.

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Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.