Originally Posted By: Turi Giuliano
I'm amazed at how someone whom many people have never met, myself included, could have such an impact on others. He really was a brilliant person. I know I've been absent from the board for a long time but I still think of him from time to time.

Some people come and go in your life with hardly a notice. Not so Paul. He left an indelible mark on all lives he touched, even if it was only conversations with someone on the internet. That was the kind of guy he was. Everyone who met him or chatted with him online is better off for having done so.

I think of him often and just a few days ago I turned on the light in my bedroom and it burned out. The last time this happened was on the day Paul was buried. I surprised myself by instantly calling out his name, as if to ask if he was there.

I wish he was.
