Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Wow, ZERO surprises tonight at No Way Out in terms of matches:

-Chavo retains over Punk
-Undertaker wins first Elimination Chamber
-Flair over Kennedy
-Edge beats Rey (Undertaker vs. Edge at WrestleMania)
-Randy Orton vs. John Cena is a DQ finish
-HHH wins the second Elimination Chamber (RKO vs. Cena vs. HHH at WrestleMania)

Biggest surprise of the night: the return of the Big Show

Yeah, the Big Show/Mayweather program for WRESTLEMANIA....whatever.

Still, Paul "Big Show" Wright hasn't looked this thin since his WCW days, when he was a rare Giant monster who was athletic as hell.

Anyway, while he won't headline WM and probably be given the MITB win as compensation, Jeff Hardy is still pushed strong, nearly "equal" with the other main eventers on RAW....I guess his booked-quest for the WWE Title will conclude at SummerSlam this year.