I agree with you 100% Don Cardi,one of the main reasons i think we havent heard about many major arrests is that the russians are very low key they dont flash there wealth and flaunt there belongings in front of the fbi,also after reading a few articles on them for many years the fbi did realise that the russians were organised and so did not pursue them allowing them to flurish,much like when hoover did the same with the mob back in the day.Another thing is we dont hear to much about murders within the russian mob as with the italian mob bodys used to be left out in the street as an example to others the russians are known for making their bodys dissapear.

If i come across the table and take your f*****g eyes out ,will you remember

Aniello Dellacroce
TFI 2nd Bday - Dj Topgroove + Mc Domer

TFI Lucky Star

Happy Hardcore DJ Hixxy