I think most of it's on YouTube. I might be able to piece it together for you later. But let's just say that it really put in perspective for me how influential and DANGEROUS bands like The Who were - dangerous to music, and dangerous to society. When the Who said I hope I die before I get old in My Generation, it was a BIG fucking deal. And the female teenyboppers everywhere--the same ones who looked to the band for fashion ideas--were quite shocked when they finally realized that these bands get seriously fucked up before going on stage. Townshend told how he would often enter another 'rhealm' while performing, and wouldn't remember much of the show the following day. There's also lots of footage of the band smashing the stage to pieces, something they pretty much invented.

And of course, the film is compiled just a few months before Keith Moon's death. Who by the way is without question the craziest and most insane Rocker ever IMO, and he combines that with an unbelievable comedic wit - in fact, Townshend and Moon could have probably both doubled as stand-up Comedians. They really are THAT funny, and I'm not sure we can say that about any other Rockers.

And oh yeah, the music is amazing. I'd already seen most of the performances, but one I hadn't seen was the band's improvisation of Barbara Ann. Amesome.

The Who - Barbara Ann (Improv.)
Keith Moon is God.