I'll admit that the first time I saw "Escape From New York" I didn't like it but watched it again (simply because it was about my home city). Upon subsequent viewings I enjoyed it more and more and saw it for what is was - a pretty good movie!

Maybe I am being unfair to ask someone to watch a movie that I've enjoyed immensely and giving them guidelines to do so. Its just that I've been watching this (original) movie of "The Thing" for about 47-48 years and even I find it almost laughable in parts because its so dated. I just want to stress the timeless qualities of it - its dialogue and how its deliverered - almost a machinegun like rat-a-tat style, fast and effective.

The "context" part was added just because its a subject dear to me... I once started writing an essay comparing the two movies from the same year ("The Thing" and "The Day the Earth Stood Still") and how they were diametrically opposite each other. One of these days I'll finish that essay. \:\/
