Chu need people like me, so you can point chor
focking finger and say dere goes da bad guy!"

Excellent scene! Yes! I don't know if you've read any of my past posts regarding this scene, but when they shot that scene, the director was convinved that Pacino was really drunk, and cut the shoot to check Pacino out! That's how convincing he was in that scene!

Don Cardi cool [/QB]
Very interesting fact DC. cool

When some one needs to be whacked you call Don Leporleone,
When some one needs to be paid off you call Don Leporeloene,
When some one needs protection you call Don Leporeleone....
But when you buy canolis from the bakery you don't share them with Don Leporeleone, what have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully