SC has this anniversary listed in the calendar for tomorrow.
The person Tommy killed in "Goodfellas" was Billy Batts. What Gambino Family member was Batts supposed to be based on.

In Goodfellas I don't even think Tommy's wife is even mentioned. Henry mentions how Tommy's mother couldn't give him an open casket. Was his wife mentioned and I missed it?

"Tommy DeSimone, a low level New York mobster portrayed by Joe Pesci in "Goodfellas" was reported missing by his wife, Cookie, on this day in 1979.

Its generally believed he was killed by John Gotti's (then a Capo in the Gambino Family) crew as payback for DeSimone's participation in killing a "made man" in the Gambino Family."

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.