DELTA FARCE (2007) - * - Bomb

Anyone ever see that episode of THE BOONDOCKS where its protagonist is shocked at the dumbass entity that is SOUL PLANE? Then he's further humiliated when his grandfather and (dumber) brother go to see that demeaning idiocracy in theatres.

Well, that episode attacked blacks for wanting to go see a movie that enforces idiotic racial stereotypes, without pause or concern. Such pigeonholing may be based on some facts and truths, but when said peoples accept it legitimately in the arts, it only makes such cartoonish depictions re-enforced as fact in the eyes of everyone else.

Some of you might say, "Dude, it's a silly comedy. Take it easy." Yeah, and Amos & Andy was simply "silly comedy" too.

Now take DELTA FARCE, a Wayans Brothers-esque insulting comedy, except its a joker on southerners, shot by rednecks, and intended for hicks. You know, the sort of garbage that Hollywood expects a Tennessee Cracker like me to enjoy.

Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. The lead stars are the useless half from the BLUE COLLAR COMEDY TOUR, the one-line wonder Larry the Cable Guy and one-sign special Bill Engvall, or Dane Cook if he was an ugly white trashbag.

What proceeds is STRIPES meets THREE AMIGOS, and its dishonorable to even use two genuinely funny movies to describe this farce.

Some dumbasses in the National Guard gets called up for duty in Iraq, and accidently get dropped down in Mexico. I was going to ask why for dudes stationed obviously out somewhere in the south, on an airflight to Ramstein Air Base in they must have gone in circles to make this plot possible. Then again its the Pentagon, so they must have a perfectly good illogic behind it.

Now while I understand that part of the joke-punch is that these yokels don't know they're at the wrong destination, in spite of eating Tacos, hearing people speak Spanish, and the Catholic imagery everywhere....but its just so damn stupid. Not even the people that these morons are supposed to parody are that daffy, and I include those that are fans of Intelligent Design.

But you Yankees, Californians, and foreigners will love the chariactures these losers draw up. Engvall is the lazy welfare case who files false lawsuits, lives at a trailer park, and boozing as his kids terrorize the neighborhood. Larry likes flannel shirts, had a cheating white trash girlfriend who got knocked up by someone else, and refuses to pronounce the "g" syllable.

DJ Qualls is the gun-freak who loves Slim Jims, wants to kill all the brown people, and yet another Pro Wrestling fan who thinks its real.

One criticism of Brian DePalma's recent REDACTED was that the racist hick characters were damn cartoonish, an argument with some merit. It's the Yankee view of the south. But to see a scene where a redneck psychopath opens fire on civilians for fun that was played as horrible in REDACTED now played as comedy in DELTA FARCE......what the hell?

To dump salt into my sore wound is seeing Danny Trejo and Keith David be wasted with this crap. It's obvious that both try to have some fun with their well-established cinema personas, but what's worse than an unfunny comedy?

Seeing two awesome guys I dig act in a scene together, and not me giving a damn about it at all.

I mean, this is David the badass who stood up to Roddy Piper in that legendary street brawl in THEY LIVE, and Trejo...well, he's just goddamn Danny Trejo. He doesn't need me to fluffer his street cred.

Plus, whats with the women that Larry the Cable Guy is with? They're all beautiful, but why would they fall for a "fugly" like him?

Now I'm not saying that ugly folks can't honestly attract the pretty folks, but usually its because such dudes offer something else. Take Bill Murray in STRIPES, where he's damn funny and charming. Plus, he beat up the Russians with his badass RV.

What does Larry and Nicholas Cage have for the other sex?

Thing is, I know this is more of an angry rant than review, but I think I'm not the only one offended by this trash. The Department of Defense refused to help FARCE. The majority of the American Armed Forces volunteers are from the south, the Pentagon is staffed by a many officers based from the southern tradition of military service, and its a story about U.S. troops saving the day.

When the Bush White House refuses to back such a project, you know FARCE is a spitcan full of chewed-up tobacco.