OK, my last post on August 23rd was a faliure. One thing that brings on a failure here is an increase of hours at work. However, now that the holidays are over and the next is Valentines Day, I have decided on the New Years resolution and so far I have been good. I polished off the last one on the 1st, and now it's time to stop. I've been doing my homework and pretty much, smoking is a psychological habit mostly. It takes about two weeks of repetitive behavior to start a habit and smoking is a common one.

The biggest enemy you have is yourself, because we rationalize. "Well, only one more won't hurt." And for pack-a-day smokers, after a day or two, that "one more" while a faliure, you bullshit yourself by thinking that it's as if you've cut down. Just one today instead of a pack should not be your logic. Not to mention cutting back only makes you look forward to smoking more. But anyway, I looked at it like this to lean my mind.

Something to do on break
Something to calm me down

Using more cologne, etc. to cover up smell (increased spending)
1 a day = average of $5.50= $38.50 a week (more then enough for gas)
Smelling of cigarettes (unpleasant presence to others)
Automatically limited the amount of girls who would go out with you
Long-term health risks
Short-term (I used to run fast, now 30 seconds of running can cause me to vomit)
Lowered hormone levels

Proud Member of the Gangster BB Bratpack - Fighting Elitism and Ignorance Since 2006