Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

I don't understand liberal journalists. If they can identify the victim as "white," why can't they refer to the attackers as "black," instead of African-American?

Suspensions at school? Yeah, they should look into that.

Liberal journalist??? :oI haven't seen that in years, but won't get started here.

I didn't mean to offend TIS. It's just that most of the media are, well, liberal.

I'm not even admoshing them; I'm liberal on some issues myself, conservative on others. It's just like you say; people feel as though they have to walk on eggshells today. It's actually kind of silly. I mean, most black people I know refer to themselves as black, if anything. I guarantee you that "African-American" was the brainchild of some well meaning caucasion suffering from "white guilt."

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