I re-watched Kids (1995) tonight...

What a horrific, depraved, disgusting, disturbing, decadent, horrifying, and scary look at a "day in the life" of a group of Manhattan teens! Truly, horrifying and tragic, and depressing! Can I use any more adjectives? How about sad. That's how I feel if urban youth actually live like that!

It's one thing to "get pussy", yet another to make your goal to deflower young girls while you don't even know you have HIV. And it's presented in an almost pedophilic manner introducing the "next" generation (of like, 9 year olds) to this sex/drugs lifestyle.

If I was a parent, I'd probably consider this a HORROR movie. But I'm not, and don't. But as a former emotionally-disturbed-teen counselor, I find it disturbing to say the least.

I rated this 3/5 on NetFlix the last time I saw it, and do again. Maybe even 3-1/2 this time, cuz poignant adds another half-star...

IMDb: 6.6/10
NetFlix: 7/10
JGeoff: 7/10 as well

If I find out that any BB members live this lifestyle, I will personally fly out there to kick their asses!

And previously I watched Twist (2003) again, based on Oliver Twist, but I don't know that story enough to compare it or make any grand review; but, this is a sad tale about a bunch of street hustlers in Toronto.

Maybe I'm just punishing myself watching movies like this! lol

Can anyone recommend a "happy" flick" for me please? lol

Oh! I did finally see Superbad (2007) last night! ...that was super-Bad-Ass

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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