THE RETURN OF SF has been doing well, but Dejohn and I really wanna get the word out more about this great book as we're sure everyone would enjoy it. We'd like to hear your most creative ideas to get the word out, and Dejohn will award prizes to those who've implemented them!

What have you done in the past at school, work, community, family, or on the internet -- or anywhere else -- that you've successfully told or demonstrated to others something you were passionate about?

If you're willing to do it for THE RETURN OF SF -- you may win some great RoSF prizes (books, caps, t-shirts, etc)! What you need to do is come up with a great idea, then implement it, to help spread the word. Do you have the ultimate publicity idea?

There will be one winner each week for the next 6 weeks, announced each Monday, starting Nov 10th (if there are enough entrants this week).

You may submit your entry here, or, if you don't want the competition to see what you're up to, you can email Dejohn directly at

It can be over-the-top (but nothing illegal or dangerous please), or something simple. As long as you help spread the word.

If you want to promote the RoSF website, the address is

This contest is open to anyone around the world. Implementations are subject to verification.

Let me know what you think...

P.S. Next month Dejohn is gonna join us for a live chat to talk about RoSF, so I hope y'all are reading your copies! wink

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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