Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I always wanted to see Wall Street, but never did. I remember so vividly the previews with Michael Douglas saying "Greed is good." \:o That alone gave me the chills. Hearing others say how good it is does make me even more anxious to see it.


Watch it TIS. I promise that you won't be disappointed. The movie does a fantastic job in capturing the feel, the era and the happenings that were taking place on Wall Street and the financial world overall back then. Legally and illegally.

A right on the mark movie.

Michael Douglas is just fantastic as Gordan Gecko. He portrays th e typical manipulative, greedy, I can buy anything I want, big shot that Wall Street seemed to be full of in the 80's, to the T.

Charlie Sheen's 'Bud Fox' is the typical young, hungry, full of piss and vinegar know nothing turned know it all character who aquires to much a little too fast.

My favorite line in the movie comes from veteran actor Martin Sheen, who by the way plays Charlie's father 'Carl' in the movie:

"He's using you, kid. He's got your pr**k in his back pocket, but you're too blind to see it."

Watch the movie TIS, you'll enjoy it.

Don Cardi cool

Five - ten years from now, they're gonna wish there was American Cosa Nostra. Five - ten years from now, they're gonna miss John Gotti.