That's horrible Bibble!! I'm sure you'll stop paymenton your paycheck and stop all the credit cards, etc. What a pain in the ass. I'd be pissed off too. I hope they catchthe bastards.

This doesn't compare to losing your check and credit cards, but shows you that some trashy people don't care who they steal from or where. When my daughter was 6 years old she made her First Commmunion. Parents were bringing a desert for a reception afterward. I made a nice cake, making sure to tape my first and last name on the bottom of the cake dish. We left the receiption, but I left the cake there becaue people were still eating. I figure I'd get it later that night or the next day.

When I went to get it later, the people at the church looked, I looked and it just wasn't there. Even the workers at the church said, "somebody probably took it." No, it wasn't an expensive cake dish, nor a family heirloom, but it was mine and I liked it. Obviously it wasn't worth me throwing a fit about, but I did think to myself, "how lowdown to steal something from a church event." I hate theives.


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 10/20/07 08:35 PM.

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"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon