I don't think rappers ruined the status of Scarface. I don't like rap at all, either. It just makes me sick that all the rappers think that Scarface is part of this trend called "gangsta." To me, it's not. Scarface is about a Cuban gangster! Not a crip or a blood, or whatever! Why do they think that, anyway? And people won't say that rappers were just "influenced" by Scarface, they'll say it is "gansgta!" And that's what sickened me! I really like the director, Brian De Palma, because of this: "When the film was re-released in theaters in 2003, the studio wanted Brian De Palma to change the soundtrack so that rap songs inspired by the movie could be used. De Palma refused." Check it out at http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086250/trivia