I'm posting this to see if there is enough interest in us forming a "Dead Pool" for next year.

Basically, you make up a list of 50 people whom you think will die next year. They have to have some sort of celebrity status whether it be a movie star, a political or literary figure, a sports star, etc. (it can't be someone like your next door neighbor or your mailman). The person who has the greatest number of "kills" at the end of the year wins.

I belong to such a pool this year, and its fun comparing our picks and kills. (So far I have eight kills including Tammy Faye Baker, Lady Bird Johnson and Phil Rizzuto).

Let me know if you're interested in joining. If we get enough participants (at least 5 or 6) I'd be happy to organize the thing. Your list of 50 would have to be submitted before December 31st.

Start checking all those old and sick celebrities (but please don't post any here).
