Yeah Double J... That would also be great if you got your information from at least ONE, perhaps more truthful and credible, source besides FOX "News"...

Actually I went to Laura Mansfield's web-site and watched the entire 26-minute bin Laden video, complete with English sub-titles...

As much as I loathe the guy and his terrorist minions, I sat through the entire thing and could not logically disagree with one single point that he made.

He did not call for more attacks on innocent Americans, or try to stir up more war and bloodshed...

On the contrary, the gist of the whole message was almost reconciliatory-- In common vernacular, to say "You guys quit fucking with us Muslims and get out of Iraq, and we will stop fucking with you."

He held the Democrats accountable for being elected on the premise to STOP THE WAR and failing to do a damn thing...

And of course he called out the wicked Cheney-Bush regime for the evil war-mongering liars and mass-murderers that they truly are...

But he did NOT say ANYTHING about "kill all Americans!" or any nonsense like that...

It ALMOST gives one hope that maybe, just MAYBE, we are NOT actually headed for a total ARMAGEDDON WW-III-style holocaust conflagration of the entire planet...

Who knows what will happen...

Power wears out those who do not have it.