Originally Posted By: Irishman12
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An alien (Klaatu) with his mighty robot (Gort) land their spacecraft on Cold War-era Earth just after the end of World War II. They bring an important message to the planet that Klaatu wishes to tell to representatives of all nations. However, communication turns out to be difficult, so, after learning something about the natives, Klaatu decides on an alternative approach.

One of the best science fiction movies I've ever seen. And the special effects, for 1951, were very impressive. I loved the ending where the people of Earth are left with a choice and I thought it was cut at the appropriate time. Michael Rennie was so smooth and composed as the alien Klaatu. Likewise, the robot Gort was a menace not to be trifled with, even though he didn't have a line of dialogue. When you are able to put that fear and uneasiness into the audience without diglogue, you've done your job very effectively.

Good review. Not as good as SPIDER-MAN 3, but ok. \:D