There is a scene from the movie Wyatt Earp with Kevin Costner and Dennis Quaide (Doc Holiday). Both are in the saloon after Wyatt's wife (?) tries to commit suicide and Wyatt is feeling guilty over it. Doc tries to molify him to which Wyatt responds "Is that supposed to get me off the hook?" Doc says "There is no hook. There's only what we do."

I completely agree. You can mess around with concepts of good and evil all you want. In the end, it's only our actions that count and by which we are judged. I may be the most intrinsically evil person on this earth, but I've never murdered anyone, I've never provided drugs to anyone, I've never had incestuous thoughts about my sister, and I've never misled others into destructive and murderous actions. So, what difference does it make whether I or Tony Montana are evil or not?

I do agree with that!