Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
 Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Why are people liking SNAKES ON A PLANE anyway?

Just because it was cool? Just because it makes you hip? Just because you don't know any better?

I don't mean YOU like you svsg. You're cool with me. You have smarts, you're not a fucking idiot like......you know.....in fact, you're a BAD MOTHER FUCKER svsg. Yeah!

But yeah, you can't depend on geeks. You just can't.

Since when is Snakes on a Plane cool or hip? It flopped. That doesn't mean one is a geek for liking it. Or a "fucking idiot" for liking it. Maybe those of us who enjoyed it aren't so shallow to dismiss a movie based on the the initial idea that "it looks stupid, therefore it is."

If you don't like it RRA that's fine. I would never expect others to like all of the same movies I do. But to call someone a fucking idiot for liking a movie that you don't is just plain ignorant. You're the fucking idiot.

I haven't seen it, but I get the idea. It is a frightening concept though - the threat from which you cannot escape. I won't see it because I can pretty well figure out its 90 minutes.

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