(First Viewing)

A journalist (Berry) goes undercover to ferret out businessman Harrison Hill (Willis) as her best friend's killer. Posing as one of his temps, she enters into a game of online cat-and-mouse.

Halle Berry where have you gone? Aside from X3, I haven't enjoyed a Halle movie since 2003's GOTHIKA (which wasn't a finanical or critical success, but I enjoyed it nonetheless). Likewise, this film wasn't a huge financial success at the box office (only made $23 million domestically), it was much better than anticipated. From the brief backstory with Halle's character, she's fierce and compelling, letting the audience know she's not a woman to mess with. From the previews, I shook my head at how Bruce Willis could be attached to this film and even though he is buried a bit and it's not the Bruce Willis action star we all know and love, it was enjoyable to see the man expand his range in a dramatic suspense film. Surprisingly, Giovanni Ribisi made a big comeback in my eyes with this film. Very believable as a computer savvy genius who mentally is a few cards short of a full deck. While the story may seem predictable, the time flew by and the ending was a very nice treat to chew on. With this week being pretty slow in terms of quality rentals, check it out sometime.