I think we are getting to a point in Anglo-American culture where the 'cool factor' around smoking is suddenly starting to die. A packet of Marlboro Lights or Marlboro Reds doesn't have the sex appeal of even 10 years ago.

Offically, I'm still an occasional smoker, but it must be two years since I had one and eight years since I puffed my way through 30 - 40 Marlboro Reds a day. What a waste of money and what a pain to have to wash your clothes two or three times as much as a regular person. Only plus side to the cancer sticks was that I was 30 - 40 llbs lighter as a regular smoker. With the introduction of smoking bans in public places -- a recent development here in the UK -- I do think that in 10 years time smokers will increasingly look plain 'weird' in Western culture.